Thursday, January 8, 2009

Spring Term Curriculum Overview

What your child will be taught in Year 4 this half term

At Fairisle Juniors, we would like to provide you with as much information about your child’s education as possible. Every half term, we will send you details of the curriculum your child will be following. In Year 4, the children will be taught the following subjects this half term:

Literacy: This half term the children will be studying stories set in other cultures. They will be continuing to develop their knowledge and use of commas to mark grammatical boundaries. They will be writing setting and character descriptions using imaginative, appropriate words and complex sentences. They will also be learning how to find evidence in the text to support ideas.

Numeracy: In Numeracy the children will be exploring fractions in detail, extending their knowledge of equivalent fractions. Word problems will be a focus for the half term.
Children will be learning how to apply their own strategies to solve different word problems.

Science: This half term the children will be learning about electricity and how to make and record circuits using the correct symbols.

Information Technology: The children will be using a simulation programme called Headline History to research and then produce a newspaper report titled, ‘Will Henry VIII Marry Again?’

Design Technology: The children will be designing and making their own moving
storybook with pop-ups and levers. They will create prototypes and then evaluate these to create the best design possible.

History: The Tudors: The children will learn about the wives of Henry VIII and the reasons behind his multiple marriages. The children will be asking and answering questions from a range of different information sources.

Music: The In-2-Music Project will be continuing, for all children.

French: The children will continue to be taught by French specialists who will develop their skills in the language.

Physical Education: In dance, the children will creating their own Tudor dance routine based on the Pavane. They will be taught how to control and direct a ball in tennis as well as how to hold and use a bat effectively. Games: The Saints will continue to develop the children’s co-ordination and control through a variety of different sports.

Personal, Social and Health Education: The children will be focusing on ‘going for goals’ and other forms of motivation! The children will develop their self-esteem and set realistic, achievable targets.

Religious Education: In RE the children will be looking at the diversities within the Christian tradition.

Obviously, these are only broad headings. The teachers have detailed plans for each of the above subjects. Should you wish to see them, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
P.E. (indoor): Tuesday Games (outdoor): Monday and Wednesday

Homework: Numeracy and Literacy on Wednesday, plus reading, spellings and times table practise.

Could all children please have their Homework Diaries signed regularly.
Thank you very much for your support.
Spring 2009 (1)

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